build weirdness

Big O illogical1 at
Tue Jul 15 06:19:26 CEST 2008

Is this going to be fixed?
Generating ui_MagnatunePurchaseDialogBase.h
[ 33%] Generating RootAdaptor.cpp, RootAdaptor.h
[ 33%] Generating PlayerAdaptor.cpp, PlayerAdaptor.h
[ 33%] Generating TracklistAdaptor.cpp, TracklistAdaptor.h
[ 33%] Generating amarokconfig.h, amarokconfig.cpp
Invalid D-BUS type signature 'f' found while parsing introspection
[ 33%] [ 34%] Generating dbsetup.cpp

and this?

[ 27%] Failed to write preprocessed file: .preprocessed.tmp
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFontDialog' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.sql.QSqlTableModel' for enum 'EditStrategy' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractProxyModel' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionToolBox' for enum 'StyleOptionType'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QCalendarWidget' for enum 'SelectionMode' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QLineEdit'
for enum 'EchoMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextDecoder' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QUrl' for
enum 'FormattingOption' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QReadWriteLock' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSqlIndex' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTimerEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextObjectInterface' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QWidget'
for enum 'RenderFlag' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'ConnectionType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsScene' for enum 'SceneLayer' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextFrame::iterator' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextTableCell' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAccessible' for enum 'Action' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionComboBox' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QToolButton' for enum 'ToolButtonPopupMode' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'InterfaceFlag'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'ToolBarAreaSizes' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QMenuBar' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QDockWidget' for enum 'DockWidgetFeature' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextEdit' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'InputMethodQuery' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame' for enum
'StyleOptionType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextTable' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QMovie' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionMenuItem' for enum 'StyleOptionType'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QUrlInfo' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPictureFormatInterface' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QItemSelectionModel' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextBlockUserData' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDateTimeEdit' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWaitCondition' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QXmlStreamReader' for enum 'TokenType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextFormat' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QToolBox' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTemporaryFile' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QHttpRequestHeader' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextFormat' for enum 'Property' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomProcessingInstruction' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'ContextMenuPolicy' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractSpinBox' for enum 'CorrectionMode' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSizeF' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTableWidget' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QNetworkAddressEntry' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QWizard'
for enum 'WizardPixmap' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QEventLoop' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMessageBox' for enum 'StandardButton' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFileIconProvider' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyle'
for enum 'ComplexControl' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDialog' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.sql.QSqlResult' for enum 'BindingSyntax' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QHostInfo' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAccessible' for enum 'RelationFlag' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QToolButton' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextFrameFormat' for enum 'BorderStyle' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDateTime' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomAttr' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QMimeData' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyle'
for enum 'StandardPixmap' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextImageFormat' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QComboBox' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFrame'
for enum 'Shadow' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractItemView' for enum 'DragDropMode' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QNetworkInterface' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWhatsThis' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyle'
for enum 'StyleHint' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QTextBoundaryFinder' for enum 'BoundaryReason'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QMatrix' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.opengl.QGL'
for enum 'FormatOption' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QProcess'
for enum 'ProcessState' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPrintDialog' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QSettings' for enum 'Scope' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'ItemSelectionMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTimeLine' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent' for enum
'Reason' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleHintReturnVariant' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QMutex'
for enum 'RecursionMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QRegExp'
for enum 'CaretMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QListWidgetItem' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionSlider' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QProgressBar' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextOption' for enum 'WrapMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'SizeMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsPixmapItem' for enum 'enum_1' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionButton' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSizePolicy' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGridLayout' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPrinter' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWhatsThisClickedEvent' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStackedLayout' for enum 'StackingMode' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QSystemSemaphore' for enum
'SystemSemaphoreError' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractItemView' for enum 'SelectionMode' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QHttpResponseHeader' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QLineF' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionViewItem' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFont' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QMessageBox' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionTitleBar' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'MaskMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPrinter'
for enum 'OutputFormat' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QCleanlooksStyle' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGLFramebufferObject' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QIcon' for
enum 'Mode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QLinearGradient' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionToolBar' for enum 'ToolBarFeature'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextFormat' for enum 'FormatType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QIconEngineV2' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFont' for
enum 'StyleStrategy' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSqlRelationalTableModel' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.sql.QSqlField'
for enum 'RequiredStatus' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTransform' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsView' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTreeWidget' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDirModel' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QColorDialog' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QAbstractFileEngine' for enum 'Extension' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionTabBarBase' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'NetworkError' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsLineItem' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextDocument' for enum 'MetaInformation' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlInputSource' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextBlockFormat' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextItem' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextCursor' for enum 'MoveOperation' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionProgressBar' for enum
'StyleOptionType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomDocumentType' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QRubberBand' for enum 'Shape' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QDialogButtonBox' for enum 'ButtonLayout' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'GlobalColor' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTreeWidgetItem' for enum 'ChildIndicatorPolicy'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsItem' for enum 'GraphicsItemFlag' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTcpSocket' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'PenJoinStyle' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionTabV2' for enum 'StyleOptionVersion'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPushButton' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAccessible' for enum 'Text' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QCursor' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QListView'
for enum 'Flow' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebPluginFactory::Plugin' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QtConcurrent' for enum 'ReduceOption' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsLineItem' for enum 'enum_1' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QLocalSocket' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QToolBarChangeEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGradient'
for enum 'Spread' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QUrl' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSocketNotifier' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAccessible' for enum 'Method' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractItemView' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWheelEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextDocument' for enum 'FindFlag' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsItem' for enum 'CacheMode' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QUrl' for
enum 'ParsingMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace ''
for enum 'State' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QColormap' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'TextInteractionFlag' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAccessiblePlugin' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDragResponseEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QRadioButton' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextListFormat' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFont' for
enum 'Style' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDoubleSpinBox' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlStreamReader' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QContextMenuEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QItemEditorCreatorBase' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QSocketNotifier' for enum 'Type' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPlainTextEdit' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QHostAddress' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QIntValidator' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.opengl.QGLFormat' for enum 'OpenGLVersionFlag' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionButton' for enum 'ButtonFeature' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFontMetrics' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsItem' for enum 'GraphicsItemChange' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlContentHandler' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPrinter'
for enum 'DuplexMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyle'
for enum 'PixelMetric' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QItemSelectionRange' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsScene' for enum 'ItemIndexMethod' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QLocale' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPageSetupDialog' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.' for
enum 'QtMsgType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextBlockGroup' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPlainTextDocumentLayout' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFocusEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyle'
for enum 'ControlElement' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsPolygonItem' for enum 'enum_1' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'TransformationMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPrintPreviewDialog' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'DayOfWeek' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFormLayout' for enum 'FieldGrowthPolicy' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QTextStream' for enum 'NumberFlag' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPainterPath' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextLayout' for enum 'CursorMode' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPersistentModelIndex' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'BindFlag' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsView' for enum 'CacheModeFlag' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTreeView' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'BGMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QLibraryInfo' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionViewItemV2' for enum
'ViewItemFeature' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QCryptographicHash' for enum 'Algorithm' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QImage'
for enum 'Format' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSessionManager' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSqlDriver' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDesktopServices' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QInputContext' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSpinBox' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextLength' for enum 'Type' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSvgGenerator' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem' for enum
'StyleOptionType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QHeaderView' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QDialogButtonBox' for enum 'StandardButton' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsItem' for enum 'Extension' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTabWidget' for enum 'TabPosition' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QUuid'
for enum 'Version' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextCharFormat' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QInputMethodEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'CacheLoadControl'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QDirModel'
for enum 'Roles' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QProcess'
for enum 'ProcessChannel' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsView' for enum 'ViewportUpdateMode' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace ''
for enum 'AlternateNameEntryType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAccessibleFactoryInterface' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QSessionManager' for enum 'RestartHint' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsSceneEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionToolBoxV2' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPaintEngine' for enum 'PolygonDrawMode' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionFocusRect' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomCharacterData' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionComplex' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlErrorHandler' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QNetworkReply' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionTabBarBase' for enum
'StyleOptionType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QLineEdit' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionToolBoxV2' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPoint' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QSlider'
for enum 'TickPosition' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPrinter'
for enum 'Unit' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextStream' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionViewItem' for enum 'StyleOptionType'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleHintReturn' for enum 'StyleOptionType' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStylePainter' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSystemSemaphore' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionViewItemV2' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QProgressDialog' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionViewItemV3' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QUndoGroup' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionViewItemV4' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPainter'
for enum 'RenderHint' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDateEdit' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSqlRelation' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFileDialog' for enum 'AcceptMode' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextCodecPlugin' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionMenuItem' for enum 'MenuItemType' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QIODevice' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QLibraryInfo' for enum 'LibraryLocation' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QInputContextFactoryInterface' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QListView' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionComplex' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDial' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAccessible' for enum 'StateFlag' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QDateTimeEdit' for enum 'Section' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionMenuItem' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTabBar' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWizardPage' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QColormap'
for enum 'Mode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomImplementation' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionTab' for enum 'SelectedPosition' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTime' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionGraphicsItem' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QInputMethodEvent::Attribute' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionGroupBox' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPalette' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSettings' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSplitterHandle' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFont' for
enum 'Weight' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPaintEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGroupBox' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractItemView' for enum 'ScrollMode' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDoubleValidator' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QNetworkCookie' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QKeySequence' for enum 'StandardKey' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextItem'
for enum 'RenderFlag' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFormLayout' for enum 'ItemRole' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'LayoutDirection' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'SpecialAddress' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QHoverEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QSizePolicy' for enum 'Policy' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFileDialog' for enum 'FileMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QNetworkProxy' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFtp' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPainter' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDragMoveEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsPathItem' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPrintEngine' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTransform' for enum 'TransformationType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextCodec' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAccessible' for enum 'Role' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QCryptographicHash' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGradient' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWorkspace' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextOption' for enum 'TabType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QItemSelectionModel' for enum 'SelectionFlag' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGLFormat' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionComboBox' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTranslator' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionToolButton' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QTextStream' for enum 'FieldAlignment' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QDataStream' for enum 'Version' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTableWidgetSelectionRange' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QConicalGradient' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QLine' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QTimeLine' for enum 'Direction' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum
'NetworkLayerProtocol' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractSlider' for enum 'SliderAction' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOption' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QUuid'
for enum 'Variant' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPrinter'
for enum 'ColorMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.sql.QSqlResult' for enum 'VirtualHookOperation' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionTab' for enum 'StyleOptionType' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFontInfo' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTableView' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFile' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QInputContextPlugin' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QHeaderView' for enum 'ResizeMode' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionSlider' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'Modifier' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionRubberBand' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleHintReturnVariant' for enum
'StyleOptionType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSyntaxHighlighter' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFormLayout' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextTableFormat' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionToolBox' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFontDatabase' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QImageIOHandler' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlNamespaceSupport' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFont' for
enum 'SpacingType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTimeEdit' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMovie'
for enum 'MovieState' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionHeader' for enum 'SortIndicator' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.opengl.QGLFramebufferObject' for enum 'Attachment'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QKeySequence' for enum 'SequenceMatch' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsLayout' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsSimpleTextItem' for enum 'enum_1' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QBitmap' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractItemView' for enum 'State' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type
'QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::PaintContext' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QListWidgetItem' for enum 'ItemType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyle'
for enum 'StateFlag' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractItemModel' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDragLeaveEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAccessibleWidget' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextEncoder' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsTextItem' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsWidget' for enum 'enum_1' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextLayout::FormatRange' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QSystemTrayIcon' for enum 'MessageIcon' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMdiArea'
for enum 'ViewMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFileDialog' for enum 'ViewMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QInputEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlDefaultHandler' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionViewItemV4' for enum
'ViewItemPosition' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'SocketError' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QApplication' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextBoundaryFinder' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QLayout'
for enum 'SizeConstraint' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTimer' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPaintDevice' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSize' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFrame'
for enum 'Shape' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'PenStyle' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDrag' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'SizeHint' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QCalendarWidget' for enum
'HorizontalHeaderFormat' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionSlider' for enum 'StyleOptionType'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFormLayout' for enum 'FormStyle' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextCodecFactoryInterface' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.sql.QSqlQuery'
for enum 'BatchExecutionMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPaintEngine' for enum 'DirtyFlag' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionFrameV2' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'ShortcutContext' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QAbstractFileEngine' for enum 'FileFlag' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTabWidget' for enum 'TabShape' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGLColormap' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QRectF' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QUndoStack' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QUdpSocket' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSqlRecord' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace ''
for enum 'Command' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSqlDatabase' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMovie'
for enum 'CacheMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsProxyWidget' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QRubberBand' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomElement' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDate' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFileIconProvider' for enum 'IconType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTabletEvent' for enum 'TabletDevice' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QCoreApplication' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextEdit'
for enum 'LineWrapMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionTitleBar' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStringMatcher' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOption' for enum 'OptionType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPrinter'
for enum 'PageOrder' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlDTDHandler' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionSpinBox' for enum 'StyleOptionType'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlParseException' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlStreamEntityResolver' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QColor'
for enum 'Spec' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOption' for enum 'StyleOptionType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QUndoView' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPen' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextDocumentFragment' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QCompleter' for enum 'CompletionMode' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'MouseButton' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFileDialog' for enum 'DialogLabel' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPrinter'
for enum 'Orientation' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextEdit::ExtraSelection' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleHintReturnMask' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace ''
for enum 'TransferMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QBasicTimer' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionToolButton' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsGridLayout' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QAbstractFileEngine' for enum 'FileOwner' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStandardItem' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QUiLoader' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextOption::Tab' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QCommandLinkButton' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QDataWidgetMapper' for enum 'SubmitPolicy' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFileDialog' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'TimeSpec' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QImageWriter' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAccessibleEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGLContext' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QBoxLayout' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGLWidget' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionDockWidget' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionGroupBox' for enum 'StyleOptionType'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextEdit'
for enum 'AutoFormattingFlag' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsProxyWidget' for enum 'enum_1' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsSimpleTextItem' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPrintPreviewWidget' for enum 'ZoomMode' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QIcon' for
enum 'State' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionTab' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QKeyEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPaintEngine' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPainter'
for enum 'CompositionMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QMoveEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionToolBar' for enum 'ToolBarPosition'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextBlock' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'CaseSensitivity' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractSlider' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextOption' for enum 'Flag' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QImageIOPlugin' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPictureFormatPlugin' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QRunnable' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractItemDelegate' for enum 'EndEditHint' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QLocalServer' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlReader' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QLCDNumber' for enum 'Mode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QProcess' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTabBar'
for enum 'Shape' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFrame'
for enum 'StyleMask' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSound' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsPixmapItem' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'DateFormat' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPixmapCache' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QRegExp'
for enum 'PatternSyntax' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QInputContext' for enum 'StandardFormat' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QLayoutItem' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractItemDelegate' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionGroupBox' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'DockWidgetAreaSizes' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomDocumentFragment' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsEllipseItem' for enum 'enum_1' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStackedLayout' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextCharFormat' for enum 'UnderlineStyle' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionComplex' for enum 'StyleOptionType'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QTextBoundaryFinder' for enum 'BoundaryType' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'Axis' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QNetworkCookieJar' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFontComboBox' for enum 'FontFilter' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextBlock::iterator' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDataStream' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'PenCapStyle' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlLocator' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPaintEngine' for enum 'PaintEngineFeature' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPrinter'
for enum 'PrinterMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGradient'
for enum 'CoordinateMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'ApplicationAttribute' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionToolBar' for enum 'StyleOptionType'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QMainWindow' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QResizeEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsItemAnimation' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QRegion' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionViewItem' for enum 'Position' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlStreamWriter' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QProxyModel' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QRegExpValidator' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionFrameV2' for enum 'FrameFeature' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'ItemFlag' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPrinter'
for enum 'PrinterState' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlStreamAttribute' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QCheckBox' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QTimeLine' for enum 'CurveShape' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsLayoutItem' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionButton' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractItemView' for enum
'DropIndicatorPosition' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSplitter' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QShortcut' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAccessibleBridge' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionTab' for enum 'TabPosition' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleHintReturn' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWidgetItem' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWidget' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFutureWatcherBase' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPicture' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextFrameFormat' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPainterPathStroker' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace ''
for enum 'ConnectionMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionFocusRect' for enum
'StyleOptionType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSortFilterProxyModel' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'DropAction' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'LocalSocketState' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsItem' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionToolBar' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'ToolButtonStyle' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPainterPath::Element' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QIconEngineFactoryInterfaceV2' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QActionEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextFrameFormat' for enum 'Position' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'CursorShape' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QTextStream' for enum 'RealNumberNotation' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractTableModel' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QEvent' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTreeWidgetItem' for enum 'ItemType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QCompleter' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'HitTestAccuracy' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyledItemDelegate' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTableWidgetItem' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QLocale'
for enum 'Country' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QShowEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsItemGroup' for enum 'enum_1' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFontDatabase' for enum 'WritingSystem' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMessageBox' for enum 'ButtonRole' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleHintReturnVariant' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'PermissionSpec' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'Corner' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QEventLoop' for enum 'ProcessEventsFlag' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsItemGroup' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextCharFormat' for enum 'VerticalAlignment' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QSystemSemaphore' for enum 'AccessMode' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'ClipOperation' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QIcon' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionComboBox' for enum 'StyleOptionType'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'WindowType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'AnchorAttribute' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAccessible' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFileOpenEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSqlField' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'HostInfoError' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionProgressBarV2' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTableWidgetItem' for enum 'ItemType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'Attribute' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QWizard'
for enum 'WizardButton' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextFormat' for enum 'ObjectTypes' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'CheckState' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextLine'
for enum 'Edge' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionDockWidgetV2' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QDir' for
enum 'SortFlag' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'AlignmentFlag' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QSystemTrayIcon' for enum 'ActivationReason' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QByteArrayMatcher' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFont' for
enum 'Stretch' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFontComboBox' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionDockWidget' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractPrintDialog' for enum 'PrintRange' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QColor' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAccessibleObject' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomNamedNodeMap' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAccessibleWidgetEx' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsWidget' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPolygon' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace ''
for enum 'KeyAlgorithm' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.sql.QSql' for
enum 'ParamTypeFlag' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPalette'
for enum 'ColorGroup' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWindowStateChangeEvent' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QtConcurrent' for enum 'ThreadFunctionResult'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.sql.QSqlDriver' for enum 'IdentifierType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QDataStream' for enum 'Status' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomText' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlStreamAttributes' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionHeader' for enum 'SectionPosition'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QWizard'
for enum 'WizardStyle' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'TextFormat' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWidgetAction' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'ArrowType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.sql.QSql' for
enum 'NumericalPrecisionPolicy' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlDeclHandler' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QBuffer' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsView' for enum 'ViewportAnchor' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsView' for enum 'DragMode' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QSettings' for enum 'Status' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QTextStream' for enum 'Status' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPrintPreviewWidget' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPaintEngineState' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionFocusRect' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace ''
for enum 'KeyType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QScrollBar' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QComboBox'
for enum 'InsertPolicy' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QLabel' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'Orientation' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QByteArray' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPainterPath' for enum 'ElementType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGuiSignalMapper' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsLinearLayout' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStackedWidget' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextCursor' for enum 'MoveMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'FocusReason' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QFile'
for enum 'MemoryMapFlags' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomNodeList' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextLength' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'WindowModality' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QLineF'
for enum 'IntersectType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QValidator' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSqlTableModel' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlSimpleReader' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QThreadPool' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleHintReturnMask' for enum 'StyleOptionType'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTreeWidgetItem' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.svg.QGraphicsSvgItem' for enum 'enum_1' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSystemLocale' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QMotifStyle' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace ''
for enum 'TransferType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStatusTipEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace ''
for enum 'Error' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTabletEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPrintEngine' for enum 'PrintEnginePropertyKey'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionToolBoxV2' for enum
'SelectedPosition' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextLine'
for enum 'CursorPosition' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QDialog'
for enum 'DialogCode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QSettings' for enum 'Format' is not declared
[ 27%] WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractFileEngine' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QTextCodec' for enum 'ConversionFlag' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextObject' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QDesktopServices' for enum 'StandardLocation' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'ItemDataRole' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractSlider' for enum 'SliderChange' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QBoxLayout' for enum 'Direction' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionSizeGrip' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
Building CXX object
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QListView'
for enum 'Movement' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QShortcutEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPolygonF' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractFileEngineIterator' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextCursor' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyle'
for enum 'SubControl' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QCalendarWidget' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QScrollArea' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionHeader' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionDockWidgetV2' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextFormat' for enum 'PageBreakFlag' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFileInfo' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QXmlStreamReader' for enum 'Error' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionToolButton' for enum
'ToolButtonFeature' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QImageIOPlugin' for enum 'Capability' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'FillRule' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QErrorMessage' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QVBoxLayout' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QCoreApplication' for enum 'Encoding' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionToolBox' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'AspectRatioMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomComment' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'TextFlag' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QRect' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QDirIterator' for enum 'IteratorFlag' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QIODevice' for enum 'OpenModeFlag' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDockWidget' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleFactory' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSqlResult' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomDocument' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsRectItem' for enum 'enum_1' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTcpServer' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionTab' for enum 'CornerWidget' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleHintReturn' for enum 'StyleOptionVersion'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QInputMethodEvent' for enum 'AttributeType' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QLocale'
for enum 'MeasurementSystem' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomEntity' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSystemTrayIcon' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QImage' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextDocument' for enum 'ResourceType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionSpinBox' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QImageIOHandler' for enum 'ImageOption' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsPathItem' for enum 'enum_1' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleHintReturn' for enum 'HintReturnType' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QUuid' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QObject' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextFragment' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDropEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace ''
for enum 'SslProtocol' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextBrowser' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsTextItem' for enum 'enum_1' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAccessibleInterface' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QFile'
for enum 'Permission' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QMutex' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPointF' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionHeader' for enum 'StyleOptionType'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QImage'
for enum 'InvertMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QLocale'
for enum 'FormatType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.xml.QDomNode'
for enum 'EncodingPolicy' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QContextMenuEvent' for enum 'Reason' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionFrame' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAccessibleInterfaceEx' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAccessibleTableInterface' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMdiSubWindow' for enum 'SubWindowOption' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace ''
for enum 'State' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextCursor' for enum 'SelectionType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSqlQuery' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleFactoryInterface' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.xml.QDomNode'
for enum 'NodeType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomNode' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'FocusPolicy' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'Key' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDialogButtonBox' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QEvent'
for enum 'Type' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QIconEnginePluginV2' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyle'
for enum 'SubElement' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QNetworkAccessManager' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QComboBox'
for enum 'SizeAdjustPolicy' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.xml.QDomImplementation' for enum 'InvalidDataPolicy'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QHttp' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QUndoCommand' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStylePlugin' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractScrollArea' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionTabBarBase' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'WidgetAttribute' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomCDATASection' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextLine' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPrinter'
for enum 'PrintRange' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'KnownHeaders' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'EventPriority' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWizard' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPrintPreviewWidget' for enum 'ViewMode' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QChildEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'SocketType' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDragEnterEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.sql.QSqlDriver' for enum 'StatementType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPrinterInfo' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPageSetupDialog' for enum
'PageSetupDialogOption' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QKeySequence' for enum 'SequenceFormat' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QIPv6Address' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextDocument' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOption' for enum 'StyleOptionVersion' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFileSystemWatcher' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTextListFormat' for enum 'Style' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QImageIOHandlerFactoryInterface' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyle'
for enum 'ContentsType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionFrame' for enum 'StyleOptionVersion'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionProgressBar' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFileSystemModel' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QToolTip' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWebPluginFactory' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.sql.QSqlDriver' for enum 'DriverFeature' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGLPixelBuffer' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomEntityReference' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAction' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAction'
for enum 'ActionEvent' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractItemView' for enum 'CursorAction' is
not declared
[ 27%] WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDirIterator' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPictureIO' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionSpinBox' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
Building CXX object
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAction'
for enum 'MenuRole' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractPrintDialog' for enum
'PrintDialogOption' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.sql.QSql' for
enum 'TableType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QMenu' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QImageReader' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QWindowsStyle' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionMenuItem' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAccessibleObjectEx' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStandardItemModel' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QClipboard' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionViewItemV2' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionViewItemV3' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFocusFrame' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionViewItemV4' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QSystemLocale' for enum 'QueryType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractFileEngineHandler' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'SortOrder' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QLocale'
for enum 'NumberOption' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QInputContextFactory' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextInlineObject' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QLocale'
for enum 'Language' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QBrush' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsSvgItem' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFont' for
enum 'StyleHint' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextOption' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDomNotation' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QProgressBar' for enum 'Direction' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'ProxyType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionToolButton' for enum
'StyleOptionType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.sql.QSqlError'
for enum 'ErrorType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionTab' for enum 'StyleOptionVersion'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QBitArray' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractTextDocumentLayout' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QReadWriteLock' for enum 'RecursionMode' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QDir' for
enum 'Filter' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionToolBar' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QImageReader' for enum 'ImageReaderError' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsItem' for enum 'enum_1' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTabWidget' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStringListModel' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QListView'
for enum 'LayoutMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionHeader' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QWorkspace' for enum 'WindowOrder' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsPolygonItem' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSemaphore' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionTitleBar' for enum 'StyleOptionType'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionMenuItem' for enum 'CheckType' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionProgressBar' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionFrame' for enum 'StyleOptionType' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QAbstractFileEngine' for enum 'FileTime' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSignalMapper' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsEllipseItem' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSizeGrip' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionProgressBarV2' for enum
'StyleOptionType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'RawForm' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QProcess'
for enum 'ProcessChannelMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QImageWriter' for enum 'ImageWriterError' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QItemDelegate' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'TextElideMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractSpinBox' for enum 'StepEnabledFlag' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractItemView' for enum 'ScrollHint' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.xmlpatterns.QXmlNodeModelIndex' for enum 'Axis' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QSizePolicy' for enum 'PolicyFlag' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QNetworkRequest' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextList' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QKeySequence' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyle'
for enum 'PrimitiveElement' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QToolBar' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionHeader' for enum 'SelectedPosition'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QHttpHeader' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QFile'
for enum 'FileError' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlLexicalHandler' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'UIEffect' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace ''
for enum 'EncodingFormat' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStatusBar' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'SocketState' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionTabV2' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlStreamNamespaceDeclaration' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyleOptionSizeGrip' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTreeWidgetItemIterator' for enum 'IteratorFlag'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QClipboardEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QWizard'
for enum 'WizardOption' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPixmap' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QHBoxLayout' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlAttributes' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFileSystemModel' for enum 'Roles' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDesktopWidget' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDataWidgetMapper' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QHelpEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QItemSelection' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QLCDNumber' for enum 'SegmentStyle' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionRubberBand' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleHintReturnMask' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QApplication' for enum 'Type' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSlider' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'WindowState' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAccessible' for enum 'Event' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QRadialGradient' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QLayout' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSplashScreen' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMdiArea'
for enum 'AreaOption' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractSpinBox' for enum 'ButtonSymbols' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractSocket' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextFrame' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionProgressBarV2' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextLayout' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractEventDispatcher' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPaintEngine' for enum 'Type' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPrinter'
for enum 'PaperSource' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSvgRenderer' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractItemView' for enum 'EditTrigger' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGradient'
for enum 'Type' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFSFileEngine' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QMouseEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPalette'
for enum 'ColorRole' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPlainTextEdit' for enum 'LineWrapMode' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QAbstractFileEngine' for enum 'FileName' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QColumnView' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsView' for enum 'OptimizationFlag' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMessageBox' for enum 'Icon' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsRectItem' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QMdiSubWindow' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QGraphicsPixmapItem' for enum 'ShapeMode' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QApplication' for enum 'ColorSpec' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QIconDragEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'DockWidgetArea' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QButtonGroup' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'BrushStyle' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QCalendarWidget' for enum 'VerticalHeaderFormat'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAuthenticator' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QListView'
for enum 'ViewMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFontMetricsF' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QMdiArea' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlEntityResolver' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QCloseEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionRubberBand' for enum
'StyleOptionType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractPrintDialog' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QClipboard' for enum 'Mode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionToolBoxV2' for enum 'TabPosition' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionSizeGrip' for enum 'StyleOptionType'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFileDialog' for enum 'Option' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionButton' for enum 'StyleOptionType'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlStreamNotationDeclaration' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractListModel' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.core.QTimeLine' for enum 'State' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QProcess'
for enum 'ProcessError' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStandardItem' for enum 'ItemType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'ToolBarArea' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QRegExp' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QStyle' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMdiArea'
for enum 'WindowOrder' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSqlQueryModel' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QPlastiqueStyle' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFormLayout' for enum 'RowWrapPolicy' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTreeWidgetItemIterator' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.QProcess'
for enum 'ExitStatus' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractSpinBox' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'WhiteSpaceMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSpacerItem' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextTableCellFormat' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QValidator' for enum 'State' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QListView'
for enum 'ResizeMode' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'MatchFlag' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSqlError' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QMainWindow' for enum 'DockOption' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QAbstractItemView' for enum 'SelectionBehavior'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type
'QAbstractTextDocumentLayout::Selection' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'ImageConversionFlag' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionFrameV2' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPaintDevice' for enum 'PaintDeviceMetric' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QDialogButtonBox' for enum 'ButtonRole' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QDir' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'Operation'
is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTreeModel' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionDockWidget' for enum
'StyleOptionType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QRegion'
for enum 'RegionType' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QCommonStyle' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace ''
for enum 'Error' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'KeyboardModifier' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSqlDriverCreatorBase' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'ScrollBarPolicy' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QFont' for
enum 'Capitalization' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QCompleter' for enum 'ModelSorting' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.sql.QSql' for
enum 'Location' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QHideEvent' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractButton' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QStyleOptionViewItem' for enum
'StyleOptionVersion' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPrinter'
for enum 'PageSize' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'' for enum 'LocalSocketError' is
not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QListWidget' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QInputDialog' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QDoubleValidator' for enum 'Notation' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QFrame' is specified in typesystem,
but not defined. This could potentially lead to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QCDEStyle' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAccessible2Interface' is specified
in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QSvgWidget' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QIconEngine' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QGraphicsScene' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QItemEditorFactory' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QAbstractPageSetupDialog' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QLCDNumber' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QXmlStreamEntityDeclaration' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace 'com.trolltech.qt.core.Qt' for
enum 'WindowFrameSection' is not declared
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QTabletEvent' for enum 'PointerType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: namespace
'com.trolltech.qt.gui.QSizePolicy' for enum 'ControlType' is not
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QActionGroup' is specified in
typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead to
compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: type 'QTextCodec::ConverterState' is
specified in typesystem, but not defined. This could potentially lead
to compilation errors.
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'setFuture(QFuture)' for
function modification in 'QtScriptFutureWatcher' not found. Possible
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'setFuture(QFuture)' for
function modification in 'QtScriptVoidFutureWatcher' not found.
Possible candidates:
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'QFutureSynchronizer(QFuture)'
for function modification in 'QtScriptVoidFutureSynchronizer' not
found. Possible candidates:
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'addFuture(QFuture)' for
function modification in 'QtScriptVoidFutureSynchronizer' not found.
Possible candidates:
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'setFuture(QFuture)' for
function modification in 'QtScriptVoidFutureSynchronizer' not found.
Possible candidates:
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'futures()const' for function
modification in 'QtScriptVoidFutureSynchronizer' not found. Possible
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'QFutureSynchronizer(QFuture)'
for function modification in 'QtScriptFutureSynchronizer' not found.
Possible candidates: QFutureSynchronizer() in QFutureSynchronizer
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'addFuture(QFuture)' for
function modification in 'QtScriptFutureSynchronizer' not found.
Possible candidates:
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'setFuture(QFuture)' for
function modification in 'QtScriptFutureSynchronizer' not found.
Possible candidates:
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'futures()const' for function
modification in 'QtScriptFutureSynchronizer' not found. Possible
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'QFutureIterator(QFuture)' for
function modification in 'QtScriptFutureIterator' not found. Possible
candidates: QFutureIterator() in QFutureIterator
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'operator=(QFuture)' for
function modification in 'QtScriptFutureIterator' not found. Possible
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'future()const' for function
modification in 'QtScriptFutureWatcher' not found. Possible
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'operator T()const' for function
modification in 'QtScriptFuture' not found. Possible candidates:
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'operator=(QFuture)' for
function modification in 'QtScriptFuture' not found. Possible
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'resultCount()const' for
function modification in 'QtScriptVoidFuture' not found. Possible
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'isResultReadyAt(int)const' for
function modification in 'QtScriptVoidFuture' not found. Possible
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'operator==(QFuture)const' for
function modification in 'QtScriptVoidFuture' not found. Possible
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'QFuture(QFuture)' for function
modification in 'QtScriptVoidFuture' not found. Possible candidates:
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'operator==(QFuture)const' for
function modification in 'QtScriptFuture' not found. Possible
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: signature 'QFuture(QFuture)' for function
modification in 'QtScriptFuture' not found. Possible candidates:
QFuture() in QFuture
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: failed to write log file: 'mjb_rejected_classes.log'
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: failed to write log file: 'mjb_rejected_enums.log'
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: failed to write log file:
WARNING(MetaJavaBuilder) :: failed to write log file: 'mjb_rejected_fields.log'
Classes in typesystem: 7
  - classes...: 7 (0)
  - header....: 7 (0)
  - impl......: 7 (0)
  - modules...: 1 (1)
  - pri.......: 1 (0)

Done, 1017 warnings (93 known issues)

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