Project Governance

Lydia Pintscher lydia.pintscher at
Wed Feb 27 14:32:11 CET 2008

Thanks for setting this up Greg.
I am happy with it so far.

On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 2:43 PM, Gregory Meyer, CPA <greg at> wrote:
>  I'll give you a case in point, which I am only citing because it is
>  the most recent example and I am no way implying that anybody did
>  anything wrong, but it made me a little uncomfortable (and remember, I
>  am accountant, so it is my job to worry about this kind of stuff).
>  Anyway, Lydia asked me last week to send some money for travel
>  expenses to Harald's friend Alex who was going to join them in fosdem
>  to man the booth.  It was 200Euros iirc.  So the problem with this is
>  that I don't know Alex from Adam, and I have no idea from the
>  information I have that there is general support to spend project
>  funds on something like that.  Heck, I don't even know if the e-mail
>  was from Lydia as it it wasn't gpg-signed or anything.  It could have
>  been Alex, or anybody for that matter, pretending to be Lydia.

This was not for FOSDEM but for Cebit next week.
I appologize for not signing it. That was not ok. You are right. I had
some problems with signing stuff in gmail some time ago so my
signatures were invalid. Let´s see if it works now.

>  I don't know if Harald has the authority to spend that money.  He may,
>  and I think Lydia probably got it right, but I'd feel a lot better if
>  there was two people in a defined role saying that payment was OK to
>  make.  Again, I am not raising this in order to start a debate on that
>  particular expenditure.  I only am citing it as an example of the kind
>  of thing I see this group of three dealing with.
>  With regard to saying that any member with X years of service is
>  automatically on that board, I think we could explore that a little.
>  One of the biggest pros is that the individuals participating in the
>  project don't have to publicly support or not support someone.  A few
>  of the cons I see are, 1) does that preclude someone like Lydia
>  serving in that role because she hasn't been here a long time, even
>  though she has become a valuable member of the Amarok team, or 2) What
>  if that group has 8 people, do those people vote every time the
>  project spends money?

I don´t really like the idea of anyone with at least x years of
service being automatically on the board.
We have a few contributors who are long time members of the project
but have not really contributed within the last months/year but are
still around. How do we tell some-time-contributors apart from really
active people? I am open for suggestions here.

>  Anyway, that's kind of long winded, but I hope I clarified what I see
>  as the purpose for this committee.
>  --
>  Greg

Again. Thanks Greg


Lydia Pintscher
Amarok team        community manager

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