Project Governance

Sven Krohlas sven at
Mon Feb 25 16:16:22 CET 2008


finally we have an open discussion about this and I don't have to hear
that stuff second hand as I'm not always on irc.

Some suggestions:

§6: let's define how long everyone has time to decide on the vote. Maybe
one week? So nearly everyone would be able to cast his ballot, even when
you're away for some time.
Maybe it would be possible to stop the vote earlier iff the result is
already clear from a mathematical point of view?

There was the idea to create an "e.V." ("registered voluntary association",
as KDE has one) in Germany to support Amarok.
Currently I'm about to find the steps that are necessary to create one
(well, that is easy) and how the articles of the association have to look
like so that we get accepted non-commercial by the finance office so
donations would be tax deductible (that's the hard part).
Once we would agree on that I guess we have much less costs because of money
transfer as bank transfers inside the EU are completely for free.
I also think that this would lead to much more donations from Europe, as here
free software is very strong but only a few people use Paypal but everybody
does bank transfers.

But, well, that's still in the state of an idea. Maybe in a few weeks I can
tell everyone more about it and afterwards we can decide if we want to do that.
But if anyone is really against creating an e.V. please stand up now so that
I don't waste my time. :)

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