Future UI Discussion

Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen admin at leinir.dk
Sat Dec 13 13:01:06 CET 2008

Saturday 13 December 2008 skrev Lee Olson:
> Dan,
> Is this remotely close to what you had in mind? I tried an overlay but it
> was too difficult to read the widget text in the CV toolbar.

  Sorry, i should've probably continued with my description a bit, to go with 
your previous mockup a bit... But no, this isn't really what i meant, the [+] 
buttons were supposed to be in-place, as a way to show that this is exactly 
where the applet would be added when you choose one in the popup :) What you 
had before, with the slightly offset [X] button would work rather nicely for 
this, methinks, for both the [X] and the config button, but the overlay for 
the move icon is vital to the understanding of how it functions. If you are 
running KDE 4.1 yourself, please try the functionality of the taskbar there - 
unlock widgets, open the Panel config, and hover over an applet in the panel, 
that should make it fairly obvious what effect i'm actually looking for :)
  That it becomes difficult to read the text, though, is not really that 
important. The overlay only ever shows up on mouse-over (like in your previous 
mockup), and as such only obscures things to give further explanations :)
  Hope that makes it a bit clearer... :)

..Dan // Leinir..

                          or no

                          - Piet Hein

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