2.0 release notes poke

Lydia Pintscher lydia at kde.org
Tue Dec 2 23:55:09 CET 2008

Heya everyone,

this is just a quick reminder about the 2.0 final release notes.
I will be away for the KDE 4.2 release announcement meeting in the KDE
office and GirlGeekDinner from right after tagging to 9th mid-dayish.
This means I have no idea how much work I can put into the release
notes before leaving and between me returning and the official
release. I would really appreciate it if everyone who has a few spare
minutes had a look at the document and writes a few lines. It doesn't
need to be perfect. I and others will do the final polishing later. I
will of course try to get as much done before leaving and while on the
train but I really can't promise anything and we don't want to mess up
the most important release notes since a long time, do we? ;-)

Thanks and cheers

Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager
kde.org - amarok.kde.org - kubuntu.org

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