QueryMaker issues

Maximilian Kossick maximilian.kossick at googlemail.com
Wed Aug 27 14:27:37 CEST 2008

2008/8/27 Daniel Winter <dw at danielwinter.de>:
> On Wednesday 27 August 2008 13:52:42 Daniel Winter wrote:
>> Hi,
> arghs, swichting from english to german..  lets translate myself...
>> well the problem direct in the code of th QueryMaker is that
>> SqlQueryMaker::nameForValue()  (benutzt von orderBy() )  für valCreateDate
>> nichts brauchbares zurückgibt.
> well the problem direct in the code of the QueryMaker is that
> SqlQueryMaker::nameForValue()  (used by orderBy() ) doesn't return anything
> usefull for valCreateDate.
>> Der Grund dafür liegt glaube ich (schau dir mal die Datenbankstruktur an)
>> daran, dass dieser Wert in der SQL Datenbank garnicht gespeichert wird?
> The reason for that is I believe (take a look at the db structure), that this
> value isn't stored in the sql db at all.
>>  Wird er das doch musst nur nur in der nameForValue eben nen case dafür
>> hinzufügen. Andernfalls musst du die DB zusätzlich entsprechend erweitern.
> If I am wrong and it get stored then you only need to add that case to the
> nameForValue function otherwise you have also to modify the DB and the
> collection scanner code to store that information.

It should be stored as tracks.createdate, but the case is missing.
please note that this query actually operates on tracks, not albums,


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