Beta 1 tagging and string freeze

Lydia Pintscher lydia.pintscher at
Sun Aug 17 13:35:27 CEST 2008

Heya everyone,

Beta 1 tagging has been delayed until at least late Tuesday due to
severe b0rkage.

Biased playlists are broken. Who b0rked it? Who has time to
investigate and fix it?
Adding songs to the playlist seems to be broken. Nikolaj will take care of that. seems to have problems.
Zooming in the Context View crashes for me. William and Leo please
investigate. I can try to get a backtrace for you later.
Teo still needs time to work on his stuff.

I will check for more as soon as I can.
Please everyone give Amarok some testing and tell me about any
showstoppers for Beta 1.

Also please tell me if there are any strings you will need to add
after beta 1 tagging. I want to send the email to the translators asap
after tagging and need to know about anything you still need to add.


Lydia Pintscher
Amarok community manager - -

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