
Nikolaj Hald Nielsen nhnfreespirit at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 17:01:48 CEST 2008

>  Nikolaj added some way to send commands to services, maybe that would
>  allow us to implement love/ban/whatever without invoking specific
>  services. I don't know if there are other parts of Amarok which could
>  be interested in loving, but in that case the adapter would be a
>  singleton facade->problem solved. Regarding class-specific methods for
>  loving: SqlTrack could return a special capability sub-class which
>  would toggle the flag, and then call the default implementation.

That is a huge D-BUS hack, but it does allow each service to specific
which commands it accepts without touching any other parts. The
downside to this is that each service can have their own obscure and
non standard commands...

It should work for this purpose though

- Nikolaj

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