Google Summer of Code "Adding License Verification to Amarok" (fwd)

Asheesh Laroia asheesh at
Tue Apr 22 03:37:21 CEST 2008

On Tue, 22 Apr 2008, Seb Ruiz wrote:

> 2008/4/22 Nathan Yergler <nathan at>:
>> Hi Nikolaj,
>>  Thanks for the detailed analysis and information.  You're of course
>>  right; we should have contacted the Amarok developers before accepting
>>  the proposal, so my sincere apologies for that gross oversight.  We're
>>  definitely fans of Amarok -- both generally and the Magnatune/Jamendo
>>  integration in particular, so we were excited about the idea of seeing
>>  CC license support included in the library.  Our previous experience
>>  with a student working on Banshee support was generally positive
>>  (although the code wound up not being included for a variety of
>>  reasons) so I think I personally made some assumptions that were
>>  obviously incorrect.  I apologize for any frustration that caused on
>>  your side.
>>  Do you have a good feeling about whether it'd be possible to add
>>  support to Amarok 2 for CC licenses?  I've cc'd Sam, the student who
>>  submitted this application.  Sam, what contact with the Amarok
>>  community have you had?  With the codebase?  I'd love to see this
>>  project happen but realize that I should have done my homework.
> We're all big fans of CC licenses, and would obviously like to promote
> free music however we can, so you won't find much resistance in terms
> of the concept from the Amarok developers (I don't think).
> Implementation and integration, however, is a more fickle topic which
> we would need to spend time going over.

Awesome.  I hope you keep the cc-devel list in the CC: line.  I, for one, 
am going to take this time to join the amarok-devel mailing list.

I'm the assigned mentor for the project.  Depending on how Nathan and the 
student feels and how you guys feel, we could perhaps talk to GSoC to 
transfer him to you if he'll work on the same sort of stuff.  (This is not 
an offer to do so; it's just me mentioning that it may be possible.)

I'll also be hanging out in #amarok as paulproteus.  My apologies, too, 
about not contacting you guys.

-- Asheesh.

A possum must be himself, and being himself he is honest.
 		-- Walt Kelly

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