Ampache service, was: Re: extragear/multimedia/amarok/src

Leo Franchi lfranchi at
Thu Apr 3 20:28:32 CEST 2008

On Apr 3, 2008, at 12:15 PM, Jeff Mitchell wrote:
> Yeah, that's the plan I was always aware of.  Just wanted to check,
> since that last comment...  :-)

Just regarding SoC (and avoiding the philosophical discussion here) I  
think that we need to keep in mind that the goal of SoC is to get  
students involved and excited about open source. This is not about  
harvesting students to work on parts of amarok that we deem needy. If  
a student comes to us with an idea, because he wants to implement it,  
we shouldn't say "well, do this instead, it needs more work". If the  
student doesn't really care about this new project, he won't be  
motivated, and then everyone loses. Rather, we should tell the student  
"we don't think this is a good project for X and Y reasons, but there  
is a related proposal that you could investigate."

i just think that arguing the project that a student will work on is  
the wrong way of looking at it---we should care about what the / 
student/ wants to do, and if we don't agree, just state that clearly.


> --Jeff
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