Allowing sharing a database (was Re: extragear/multimedia/amarok/src)

Maximilian Kossick mkossick at
Sat Oct 6 10:26:00 CEST 2007

On Friday 05 October 2007, Ian Monroe wrote:
> On 10/2/07, Tobias G. Pfeiffer <tgpfeiffer at> wrote:
> > If there is no necessity to support multiple backends (with "everything
> > with more than 10.000 tracks kills sqlite" or the like probably being a
> > "necessity"), then you shouldn't do it. Especially because it gives you
> > the possibility to tune your queries according to sqlite features, for
> > example using bind variables and prepare statements at startup instead of
> > have the query string being parsed on execution time.
> We were thinking of using using MySQL embedded. There's a thread on
> amarok-devel about it.

We did not reach a decision about this, but if we support only one database in
Amarok 2, it should not be sqlite imo.

> > BTW, isn't there a native way in Qt to handle multiple database backends,
> > so you actually don't have to worry about that any more?
> There is, but you still have to worry about what SQL you can use since
> its a pretty low level abstraction. So low-level thats its worthless
> IMO, probably mostly meant for the generic SQL widgets.

I agree with eean. Our SQL infrastructure is already in place. Switching to 
QtSql would mean a lot of additional work with little benefit. Most of our 
problems with SQL come from the fact that there are some differences in the
SQL syntax. Using Qt won't change that.

/me misses hibernate...
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