
Bart Cerneels bart.cerneels at kde.org
Tue Oct 2 10:47:00 CEST 2007

2007/10/2, Dan Meltzer <hydrogen at notyetimplemented.com>:
> SVN commit 719883 by dmeltzer:
> Make default current playlist format xspf instead of m3u
>  M  +0 -1      PlaylistHandler.cpp
>  M  +1 -1      playlist/PlaylistModel.h

Hi Dan, I would like to call your attention to src/playlistmanager
which is a framework meant to be used to load playlists and is used
by, but not limmited to, the PlaylistBrowser. Can you make sure that
this code can be either used by or integrated in PlaylistManager? It
looks like this is just meant to load stuff in the PlaylistView
(better name would be TrackQueue).

If there are specific reasons not to use it, please let us know on the
mailing list so we can fix and extend.


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