[PATCH] [RFC] Gigabeat S support / mtpmediadevice tweaks

Andrew Rodland arodland at comcast.net
Wed Nov 7 04:16:58 CET 2007

Hello folks.

I've got a Toshiba Gigabeat S30. It speaks MTP, and as far as I've been able 
to find out, nothing has really good support for it -- so I decided to add 
the support to my favorite app, Amarok.

Since I'm not deeply familiar with the codebase, and since C++ is far from my 
most comfortable language, this is pretty dirty code. There's stuff in here 
that doesn't have help, stuff that should be factored out and made less 
redundant, and stuff that someone will probably just flatly disagree with. I 
include a patch because this code _works_ for me, but it's definitely "patch 
for discussion", not "patch submission" :)

Anyway, this is a rolled up patch against amarok 1.4 svn head that contains 
fixes for several issues I discovered while trying to make my device work. On 
request I'll split it out into separate feature components, though the patch 
is simple enough that I think anyone should be able to do that by hand.

Anyway, here's what I found

Problem: The Gigabeat S considers every track to be Unknown Artist / Unknown 
Album unless it's associated with an MTP album object (i.e. it ignores tags 
in the file)
Fix: Call getOrCreateAlbum regardless of whether there's album art available; 
have getOrCreateAlbum fill in the name and artist fields of the 
LIBMTP_album_t struct.
Considerations: There's code yet in updateAlbumArt that maybe shouldn't be.

Problem: The player doesn't recognize the disc-number tag and the MTP data 
structure has no way to represent it. I have lots of multi-disc albums in my 
Fix: append "(Disc #)" to the album title sent to the device if there's a 
discNumber and make sure that we get separate MTP album objects as well.
Consideration: Now the album title on the device doesn't equal the local album 
number... so we need to replicate this transform anywhere we compare against 
the albums on the device (like checking whether a track is already sent). Not 
so cool.

Problem: The device doesn't support user-created folders. Folder creation 
returns success but if you try to find the returned folder ID, it doesn't 
exist. Disabling the use of folders works okay, however filename conflicts if 
two tracks have the same filename on disk can cause transfers to fail 
Solution: Create filenames when sending to the device, in a manner very 
similar to the "Organize Files' feature.
Consideration: Okay, I duplicated a lot of code here, and the whole thing 
smells bad to me. Probably the best plan would be to make this compatible 
with the existing Organize Files code somehow... but once again, example of 
working code.

Thanks for the great app and let me know what you think. (Please CC.)

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