make Amarok XDG user dir spec compatible

Harald Sitter harald at
Thu Nov 1 16:32:39 CET 2007

Am Mittwoch 31 Oktober 2007 22:25:33 schrieb Jeff Mitchell:
> > Um, i'm pretty sure that this is already possible by simply adding
> > $HOME/Music to the system-wide amarokrc. I think Amarok will even convert
> > it to the Dynamic Collection collection folder format automatically.
> > iirc, kubuntu already does this.
> Yeah, you may want to ask Jonathan Ridell if this is already the case.
> Cause then we could just snark the changes from him  :-)

The major problem is that the xdg-user-dirs are mostly localized (i.e. with a 
german setup $HOME/Music becomes $HOME/Musik). The actual path is written 
where one for example finds:

So Amarok has to get the XDG_MUSIC_DIR value at every startup, since of course 
this can change (i.e. the user changes his system language from german to 

Amarok starts -> reads the value -> scans collection -> user can deactivate 
the directory -> which drops the whole "read the value" thing.

Harald Sitter
Amarok team        Rokymotion division     Mail: harald at     Good news everyone!     Jabber: apachelogger at
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