
Jeff Mitchell kde-dev at
Sat Mar 31 00:49:25 CEST 2007

As we move to 2.0 and other platforms, should we rethink our position on 
ID3v2.3?  I know that we all like TagLib, and every library has its 
problems, but I'm wondering if this will end up being even more of a 
hindrance in the future.  I like being on the high ground and suggesting 
that other apps get with the modern times instead of reaching back in 
history ourselves, but I'm wondering if we should consider some form of 
a 2.3 tagging mechanism.  Either through extending TagLib, or having a 
simple tagging routine that uses a 2.3 library that we can call to write 
all relevant tags in 2.3 format.

Another, possibly much better option would be to suggest or write a 
script plugin that performs this function, assuming that our dbus 
interface is robust enough to handle it.

What are people's thoughts?


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