Fwd: About Google Summer of Code Project

Nikolaj Hald Nielsen nhnfreespirit at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 12:55:52 CET 2007

I just received this mail in response to the SoC project proposal I put up
on http://developernew.kde.org/Projects/Summer_of_Code/2007/Ideas#Amarokyesterday.
I think his idea sounds really interesting even though it is not
directly related to my proposal. If he succeeds in creating, and getting
sites to use, such and API that would open up a world of opportunities for
adding content services to Amarok

Just thought I would forward it here.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: frihd at boxson.net <frihd at boxson.net>
Date: Mar 11, 2007 12:09 PM
Subject: About Google Summer of Code Project
To: nhnFreespirit at gmail.com

Hi !

I'm a French student which have just discovered your proposal for GSoC as I
will certainly try to do it this year. I'm getting really excited with your
proposal for two reasons:

- This project is marvelous for opening access to DRM-free music

- As you can see from my e-mail, I'm in boxson.net : it's a french
association of "free music" (free art licence & creative commons licence). I
already wanted to create such a service "à la I-Tune" for our server (i'm
not the coder of the site since I've little skills in php).

I already used Amarok but I never dive into its code.  Well I'm getting
interested by your proposal and hope that you'll be accepted, if you need a
platform which accepts to be on Amarok, I can at least find two of them (
dogmazic.net, friends of us which seek the same goal) I also have some
contacts with europarchive (archive.org in Europe).

Nevertheless, what I had in mind with my project was more a "API" for
web-platforms: the website had to comply with it and then its archive is
available and not make a software comply with a website API. Well, being
selected or not, I want to told you that this project still interest boxson
a lot.

 Best regards,

--FrihD(Lucas Di Cioccio)
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