Center View and Music store integration

Jeff Mitchell kde-dev at
Fri Mar 2 02:05:15 CET 2007

On Thursday 01 March 2007, Maximilian Kossick wrote:
> it's possible). I agree with markey that we shouldn't support 3rd party
> binary plugins (but we can't really prevent them in the end either, but we
> can make it harder by breaking binary compatibility on purpose), but we

We have a lot of goodwill in the open source community (depending on who you 
talk to, and whether they're talking about our coding practices :-)  ).  But 
I'd strongly urge caution in regards to breaking binary compatibility on 
purpose.  It's one thing to state that certain plugins are officially not 
supported; it's another to actively try to lock out people that want to 
develop against our open source.  Just think of iTunes and breaking DAAP for 
iTunes 7, for no other real reason than to make sure only iTunes could talk 
to iTunes.  I can see the reason we might want to, but actually doing it 
could really backfire.

Plus, the more we futz around with our binary compatibility, the more likely 
we are to introduce regressions.


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