Don't close bug reports with this

Jeff Mitchell kde-dev at
Tue Aug 28 17:01:26 CEST 2007

Harald Sitter wrote:
> they= Votes:50 + report + 1 other comment
Who cares.  Users are users.

> that bug can't even be prioritize to represent it's priority (something like 
> supersupersupersupersuperlow)
In your opinion.  What's a priority for one person is not a priority for 
others.  I don't see why usability concerns should be our last priority.

> the report only is valid if someone is a using a resolution which is far too 
> high for a certain display size, which then again isn't amarok's fault.
Define "a resolution which is far too high for a certain display size."  
Many 15-inch displays have a resolution of around 1400x1050.  My 15-inch 
flat panel has a native resolution of 1920x1200.  Many people find this 
way too small, but that doesn't mean that wanting to run it at native 
resolution makes issues invalid.

Different sizes of PNG icons are created from the SVGs.  I don't see 
what's wrong with people wanting those icons to follow the KDE settings, 

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