Don't close bug reports with this

Jeff Mitchell kde-dev at
Tue Aug 28 13:31:52 CEST 2007


"Thank you for your bug report/feature request. Unfortunately, this bug 
will probably never be fixed or the feature never implemented. The bug 
report/feature request will be closed."

It sounds really asshole...for a developer group that is supposed to be 
very good at listening to its users, that kind of unnecessary super 
impersonal message sounds like a letter you'd get from a huge company 
that couldn't care less about you dismissing your problem.

It wouldn't have been hard to change it to something a bit more personal 

"Thanks for your comment.  We're not going to be able to fix this in the 
1.4 series...but we'll mark it as LATER to consider for the 2.0 series."

Since, by the way, in 2.0 the various browsers still have the small 
icons they were complaining about...

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