Launchpad reports on amarok-bug-dist

Jeff Mitchell kde-dev at
Tue Aug 28 13:07:18 CEST 2007

Mark Kretschmann wrote:
> Hey,
> I noticed that launchpad bugs from Ubuntu are again appearing on our
> bug mailing list. When I came back from Froscon, about 50 unread mails
> were waiting for me on our list. Too much to keep up with, and too
> much noise as well. Most launchpad reports aren't really valid for us.
> So I don't think it makes sense to have those on our list. Maybe we
> could have an extra list for them, or you could subscribe them to your
> private email address.
Yeah, it's cause they switched it from backtraces to bugs.  I've 
actually been following the launchpad stuff (and commenting on it) for 
about two weeks.  It's about as relevant as b.k.o IMHO -- the only 
problem is that since we have no way (or at least I) to remove package 
hints, when something is determined not to be an Amarok issue, stuff 
stays open and commented on and comes to us.


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