SQL backend consolidation

Ian Monroe ian at monroe.nu
Thu Aug 16 17:24:13 CEST 2007

On 8/15/07, Seb Ruiz <ruiz at kde.org> wrote:
> I think postgres support is a really awesome thing to have, and I know
> of many people that use it. What is the advantage to dropping it,
> aside from the obvious cop out that it is less to maintain?

Its not a cop-out at all, Mark has already addressed this though.

> Postgresql is more robust than Mysql, and requires virtually the same
> syntax (except for some more complicated statements). I'd be happy to
> keep postgres up to date.

We could pick Postgresql if there was a such thing as Postgresql
Embedded. In fact I'd prefer it since Postgresql is a full relational
database. But I'm pretty sure there isn't an in-process version.

> Also, did we come to a conclusion on the QtSql packages?

That it doesn't really do much. Though we could use it I suppose just
to have a better API over the C-based API in MySQL. But really
QueryMaker and the collection system is already an abstract API, so
the benefit would be limited to when those systems are implemented.
Would make Amarok a bit more complicated to package.

> Seb

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