Amarok 2 theme

Greg Meyer greg at
Mon Aug 13 02:34:55 CEST 2007

On Friday 10 August 2007, Lydia Pintscher wrote:
> Hi,
> We still haven't decided on a theme for Amarok 2.0 yet.
how about "Amarok the 2nd," kind of sounds like royalty.

Seriously though, I personally like Amarok 2.  As a variation, something like 
Amarok 2pointoh, a la web 2.0, is passe, and since Amarok is quite well known 
for it's coolness, that would be a faux pas (that's a little French lingo I 
picked up Friday while dining at a fine French restaurant).

Amarok 2 - years later, the gerbils are still small, Mexican and joyful.


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