Some questions regarding Plasma Active

Matthew Dawson matthew at
Sat May 25 01:46:08 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I've been playing around with PA, and I'm looking to get involved with the 
project.  I also have a Nexus 7 to play with, and a 10 I'd like to get PA on.  
I've installed the Mer SDK and read its documentation.  I have a few questions 
regarding PA:

1) Aaron mentioned in one of his video cast that PA was using zypper for it's 
package management, but the kickstarter files default to yum.  Which manager 
is meant to be used by PA?  If zypper is supposed to be the default, I'll post 
a patch to change it.

2) When building development images for the Nexus 7, there is the ssu script 
run, but it doesn't have tokens mapped by default.  Is this by design, and I 
should I be specifying appropriate token map arguments to mic?  Or is this a 

3) Is ssu system the future for repository management?  The latest image I 
have using it is missing various debuginfo packages (from the repositories), 
making debugging a pain.

4) When trying to build a PA4 image for the Nexus 7, it fails with the error:
Error <creator>: Unable to find package: graphics-adaptation-tegra3-libEGL
Which seems to come from the tegra3 repositories not having packages in 
testing.  Thus, is PA4 currently targeting the N7, and if so, is there some 
way I can help get those packages ready?  Or is the N7 not going to be 
included in PA4?  Development images are fine, as long as I target latest-
devel, and the repositories are all found so the yaml files seem to be fine in 

Thanks for any help,
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