repos and kickstarts for pa4

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at
Wed May 22 16:49:58 UTC 2013

On 22.05.2013 18:26, Paul S wrote:
> On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 7:51 AM, Thomas Pfeiffer <colomar at
> <mailto:colomar at>> wrote:
>     It seems like you are confusing MeeGo and Mer. Mer is a community
>     continuation of MeeGo. Our images do not use MeeGo, it's just Mer,
>     with Plasma Active on top and the Nemo Mobile integration parts
>     (e.g. the kernel) below.
> Yes I was, thanks for correcting my ignorance.

No problem, just wanted to make clear we're talking about the same things.

> Complaining is the one thing that won't help you.
> I apologize if it sounds like just complaining. I was trying to provide
> useful feedback of an early image. Perhaps my words aren't as good as
> they should be. I hope no hard feelings.

No hard feelings on my side, I didn't make Mer ;)
I'd just like to initiate a shift in mindsets: From "PA on Mer does not 
work correctly on my device!", which we hear from pretty much everyone 
who tries to use it on a device where nobody used it before, to "I see 
that a lot of work still has to be put into making it work on this 
device. How do we get that work started?"

Of course the problem is: How do users distinguish bugs related to 
hardware integration from actual PA- or Mer-Bugs? This is a problem I 
have no solution for yet. One indicator might be that it's a fairly 
obvious and critical bug which has not yet been reported on In this case, it's unlikely that it happens on the devices 
we use as well without having been reported yet.

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