need help starting kde plasma-mobile

Paul S paulatgm at
Thu May 2 12:22:36 UTC 2013

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 7:26 AM, Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at> wrote:

> **
> On Thursday, May 2, 2013 06:32:32 you wrote:
> > On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 6:06 AM, Aaron J. Seigo <aseigo at> wrote:
> if you want to run plasma desktop on the same machine, you'll need to move
> them to another root and adjust the KDEDIRS based on whether you are
> starting plasma desktop or plasma active.
> e.g. plasma desktop might have /usr/local/plasma/desktop/ (with
> share/autostart under it) in its KDEDIRS
> plasma active would have /usr/local/plasma/active/ in its with the
> contents of plasma-mobile-config in there.
> OK, thanks.

If I wanted to build just a plasma-mobile ptoject using kdesrc-build, what
could I exclude from my ~/.kdesrc-buildrc file, following:

# Autogenerated by kdesrc-build-setup. You may modify this file if desired.
    use-stable-kde true
    qtdir ~/qt
    # KDE install directory
    kdedir ~/kde4
    # Directory for downloaded source code
    source-dir ~/kdesrc
    # Directory to build KDE into before installing
    build-dir build
    # Use multiple cores for building. Other options to GNU make may also be
    # set.
    make-options -j2
end global

module qt
    configure-flags -fast -debug -system-zlib -system-libpng
-system-libjpeg \
                    -plugin-sql-mysql -no-phonon \
                    -dbus -webkit -nomake examples -nomake demos
    # KDE's unmodified copy of Qt is used by default since git.kde.orgsupports
    # cloning the module more reliably than gitorious. To use standard Qt as
    # provided by Nokia, comment the following line and uncomment the next
    # repository line.
    repository kde:qt
    # Nokia's Qt. Note that gitorious has had known issues checking out
    # git modules such as Qt. If there are failures try using KDE's qt (see
    # above).
    # repository git://
    branch 4.8
end module

module shared-desktop-ontologies
    repository git://
    branch master
end module

# These encompass modules that are not directly a part of KDE proper but are
# required or highly recommended for the KDE framework and are developed in
# the KDE source repository.
module-set baselibs-support
    repository kde-projects
    branch master
    use-modules automoc cagibi attica soprano polkit-qt-1
end module-set

# Phonon provides the KDE multimedia layer. It requires an appropriate
# to be installed to actually implement multimedia.
module-set framework-phonon
    repository kde-projects
    branch master
    use-modules phonon/phonon phonon-gstreamer phonon-vlc
end module-set

# Strigi provides file analysis tools for extracting information from files
# (e.g. music length, picture size, etc.) It is split into several
# so do not alter the order in the use-modules below.
module-set strigi
    repository kde-projects
    branch master
    use-modules strigi/libstreams strigi/libstreamanalyzer
strigi/strigiutils \
                strigi/strigidaemon strigi/strigiclient
end module-set

# libdbusmenu is needed to support new-style Plasma system tray icons and
# support in the Unity shell. Installing a recent development package from
# distribution should be sufficient, but if you want to have the latest then
# make sure you have the "Bazaar" program installed and uncomment the
# following:
#module libdbusmenu-qt
    # The lp: prefix refers to Canonical's Launchpad repository
#    repository bzr://lp:libdbusmenu-qt
#end module

module taglib
    repository git://
    # Note: -DWITH_ASF=TRUE and -DWITH_MP4=TRUE (for taglib) is required to
    # allow Amarok (defined below, near the end of this file) to build.
    cmake-options -DWITH_ASF=TRUE -DWITH_MP4=TRUE
end module

# Base/essential KDE libraries and the required runtime programs.
# Split into two module-sets to setup the right branch for kdelibs.
module-set baselibs-kdelibs
    repository kde-projects
    use-modules kdelibs
end module-set

module-set baselibs-other
    repository kde-projects
    use-modules kactivities kde-runtime nepomuk-core
end module-set

module-set baselibs-pimlibs
    repository kde-projects
    use-modules akonadi kdepimlibs
end module-set

module-set workspace
    repository kde-projects
    use-modules kde-workspace kdeplasma-addons
end module-set

module-set base
    repository kde-projects
    # kde-baseapps requires kate to be built first.
    use-modules kate kde-baseapps konsole
end module-set

# icons and such:
module kdesupport
end module

module-set pim
    repository kde-projects
    use-modules nepomuk-widgets kdepim-runtime kdepim
end module-set

module-set user-modules
        repository kde-projects
        use-modules plasma-mobile calligra-active bangarang kontact okular
marble startactive plasma-mobile-config
end module-set
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