new build servers

Marco Martin notmart at
Wed Mar 20 13:33:40 UTC 2013

Hi all,

as you know the old obs servers on are about to be 
decommissioned, so we need to get rolling on a new home asap.

we'll go to,

* there will be kde:devel:mw with what KDE:mer_extras had
* kde:devel:ux  with what KDE:Devel had
* integration is in kde:devel:ux:integration

our adaptations are still missing but i think we should use those of Nemo as 
much as possible (will probably be needed some new repos anyways for things 
like custom configurations)

the whole srtucture (except integration) will get replicated as kde:testing:* 
and kde:stable:* for the various phases of stability.

the git repo plasma-active-kickstart has been updated to use the new repos for 
image creation, has only been tested with x86 so far

any other adaptations, please contribute there, so we can get 100% moved asap

users are *not* copied between the two obs instances, so please everybody that 
wants to contribute, sign up on and ping me for 
write access to the kde: project

Marco Martin

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