bodega API docs

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Sat Jun 8 05:36:37 UTC 2013

hi ..

after an api review this last week, i dedided to make another push to properly 
document the bodega web api properly. i settled on iodocs to do the 
presentation. you can see the results here:

you can even try much of the API live from there. it authenticates to the 
testing server, so no harm can come from playing around in it. 

the content is from bodega-server/server/doc/bodega.json

so whenever you change or add API, you *must* update that file to reflect those 

i still have to document the following API pieces:

	* store management (8 routes)
	* contact
	* hunt
	* stats
	* user information updates (4 routes)

so ~15 more calls to document. the document needs to be proof read, so new 
eyes are welcome and editing of the file to improve its detail an accuracy is 

this is an important artifact to complete to reach the bodega v1 milestone.

as for iodocs, it's pretty good. i do wish it did a little bit more, such as 
allowing a description for an endpoint, suporting "file" as a type for 
parameters and having a field describing what the call returns (it is not 
obvious in all cases). so if anyone felt like hacking on that .. :) speaking 
of which, there is an iodocs.diff file currentl in the bodega-server repo that 
customizes an iodocs git checkout to our needs. i should probably just create 
a repo fork on github and throw it there.

Aaron J. Seigo
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