Nexus 7 images

Matthew Dawson matthew at
Wed Jun 5 14:18:09 UTC 2013

On June 5, 2013 12:27:26 AM Ruediger Gad wrote:
> Hi,
> Unfortunately, there will be the next problem. The UI freezes instantly
> under some circumstances (e.g., when trying to pull down the top bar).
> You should(tm) be able to switch between activities, which shows that it
> is generally working, but you will encounter lots of situations in which
> the UI just freezes.
I've been playing with an older version of PA on my Nexus 7, and I've started 
trying to narrow down this issue.  I'm not sure exactly why yet, but I've 
gathered a few clues about this:
1) The UI freezes because KWin starts throwing GL errors and stops updating 
the display.  You can see the errors in the logs, but it is a generic error so 
I'm not sure what is causing it.

2) Killing/restarting KWin stops the errors and UI starts acting normally.  It 
only happens with the first instance of KWin.

3) While KWin stops drawing, I believe that the UI continues to receive 
events, it just doesn't draw.

Hope that helps,
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