Gsoc Project

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Tue Feb 26 17:01:38 UTC 2013

On Tuesday, February 26, 2013 16:41:06 Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan wrote:
> Are there any projects I could get envolved in for this GSoc about Plasma
> Active?


These days with GSoC I look for a few things:

* creativity and initiative; if the applicant copy and pastes something from 
the ideas list, it isn't a negative .. but it also isn't a positive. try to 
communicate what you would *like* to work on rather than what you think we 
think should be worked on.

* reasonability in scope: I have grown skeptical of GSoC proposals that 
include developing new infrastructure or which have large scope. keep it 
simple and focused.

* a focus on improving what exists. these are not only very valuable, they are 
usually the most instructive for the student and the most likely to succeed 
both for the student and the project

for Plasma Active, the kinds of things I can imagine seeing GSoC project for 
could include:

* implementing QML components that embody the draft typography guidelines
* improving the Launch area
* enancing the Okular touch UI
* improvements on Kontact Touch
* appmenu QML
* improving KDE Games for touch
* a quality port of the existing Marble QML UI to Plasma Components
* improved books view for file manager (perhaps even with a focus on 
* album support in image viewer

.. the list of things that are possible is very, very long and i think all are 
interesting and exciting as projects.

so, what interests *you*?

Aaron J. Seigo
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