Media Query

Marco Martin notmart at
Mon Feb 18 21:12:02 UTC 2013

On Monday 18 February 2013, mailinglist.muktware at wrote:
> >> Oh, BTW I also ran a dist upgrade so it should have been updated, right?
> > 
> > Only when PA4 comes out ;)
> :
> :-) No, I meant with what Marco said earlier about  problems I mention
> got solved few weeks ago, but I still have them I wanted to check if the
> 7th Jan imags are the latest ones :-)

as far i know the nexus images are based on the Testing repository, so 
probably is still old, since that repository is updated rarely (only when we 
are sure there are no major problems).

as far i know the nexus build is being reworked up a bit, so may be possible 
in next days to have images both with testing and with devel repo (with all 
the bleeding edge it implies)

Marco Martin

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