Media Query

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at
Mon Feb 18 12:19:00 UTC 2013

On 18.02.2013 12:30, Swapnil Bhartiya wrote:
> Hi

Hi Swapnil,

> I am working on a quick story on Plasma Active (and would very much be
> continue to cover it as new development happens). I have 16GB Nexus 7
> and have managed to install Plasma Active (Mer) on the device. The wiki
> page is nice but it lacks some info so I have compiled an article about
> installing it on Nexus 7 and how to go back to Android. This info can of
> course be used to update the Wiki page.

Great, the more end-user documentation, the better!

> I have some queries so that I can continue my testing and write about it:
> Imp questions:
> 1. How to cread root user account so that I can install updates and
> other needed packages

There should already be a root account, with the password "mer" (just 
use "su").

> 2. How do I enabled othe repositories?

All the repositories that actually work should be activated by default 
on the Devel images. If you'd like to test absolutely bleeding-edge, 
hamster-eatingly unstable stuff, go to Settings -> Development (or 
something like that, i currently don#t have access to a device) and 
there switch the Integration repository on.

> Feedback:
> 3. I have noticed that apps open in maximed mode and I can't have
> tiled/multiple windows of applications, thus no multi-tasking is that a
> bug or that's how it is designed?

That's how it is designed because usually you don't have enough space on 
a tablet to conveniently show and interact with two applications on the 
same screen.
That doesn't mean you can't multitask, though. You still have the window 
switcher ;)

> 4. there is no 'back' button when in Files or any other such application.

In files there is only one case where a back button is needed, and 
that's when you navigate the hierarchical structure on an external 
memory device. A back button should appear once you've entered a folder 
on an external device, though. If it isn't there, that's a bug.
Other than that, you simply don't need a back button because you don't 
actually navigate somewhere, you just apply different filters.
In which situation(s) did you miss a back button?

> 5. Fonts or menus are too tiny to be used from touch interface. Is there
> any way to increase the size (especially in files you can increase the
> icon size)

In which applications did you notice that? In case of desktop (i.e. 
QWidget-based) applications, we don't really care, they are legacy 
anyways. For Active applications, we haven't finished DPI-awareness yet, 
so Plasma Active may suffer from Nexus 7's high DPI. Things should 
improve considerably for QML-based applications once DPI-awareness is 
fully implemented, but I don't know when that will be.

> I must congratulate the team for such a great effort. I ran Ubuntu on it
> as well, but I found Plasma Active to be 'ready' for such devices.

Thanks, great to hear!

Thomas Pfeiffer

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