Project: QML-ify Plasma widgets

Heena Mahour heena393 at
Thu Feb 14 07:20:46 UTC 2013

Hi ,
I am interested in doing the project :*QML-ify Plasma widgets* in which all the
default plasmoid set will heve to be ported to be either pure
QML/Javascript or QML/C++ .It was earlier mentored by Marco Martin .
Further I managed to develop a *kde-plasmoid *( like to
thank kde-tech base tutorial . )
I was a *Season of KDE 2012* participant working on Kde-edu game 'pairs'
where I have done the following  :-
 Developed layout for the editor of the game pairs.
 Developed themes for the game –pairs
 Learned the basics of the project building & concept of make files
 Status : Complete (Thanks to Marco Calignano and Aleix Pol) ,released and
my themes are also available as add-on .[<>
I have even tried to implement a simple qml tic tac toe game  (Thanks to Qt
Creator and konsole  )  (
and a text editor

I would be quite  happy to do it this year in gsoc 2013 ,if someone is
interested in mentoring this project .

Season of kde'12 participant
Delhi College of Engineering(COE),India
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