
Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Fri Oct 5 19:21:30 UTC 2012

On Friday, October 5, 2012 09:28:41 Jason H wrote:
> 1. You put the adjective after the noun.

Plasma Desktop, Plasma Netbook, Plasma Active. Active is not an adjective in 
this case.

>  3. It's "more complicated than loading a Linux distro on a standard laptop"
>  (Why?)

if there's a pre-built image for the device you have, then it's dead simple. i 
just installed an image with ~4 keystrokes and 10 minutes of my time.

if there isn't a pre-built image for your exact device, then it's a lot harder 
because of the lack of standardization in ARM based devices.

> 4. And this is where I really have concerns.
> Several of the screenshots have windows.

they aren't windows. please try the software before forming opinions and 
offering input :)

> Trashcans on every image in what I assume is a gallery.

it isn't a gallery. it's the activity switcher. please read the documentation, 
or watch one of the Plasma Active intro videos, to see how it works

> I dread what the Add Items button does.

that's because you haven't used it, nor, apparently, read any documentation or 
watched even an intro video :)

> It it open a file browser, FAIL.

no, it doesn't.

> Why does this have a "close" button but everything else in the previous
> snapshot had an X in the top right? 

you'll like PA3 more then, as the cancel button is in the top right. and it's 
"cancel" as opposed to an "X" since it actually cancels the action (symetry 
with the Add button). it works in practice.

> Search box is way too mall.

again, try it. it's better than you think. i can fit ~12 characters into it, 
and i rarely need more than 5-6 before the options are narrowed down to just a 
couple of items.

> Ditch the window size thing. Tablet users don't want to manage that stuff.

all applications run full-screen.

> - Forget the icon containers as they are. I think I understand what you're
> trying to do though. 

i don't think you do.

> Rather it'd be cooler to have application sets and
> each set is docked to an edge of the screen (like the gallery) and much
> like the OSX bar. 

you really need to try it. then you'll discover that we've done exactly what 
you describe here, only much much much better because it isn't limited to 
applications or even to just the home screen.

> Then attach to it the task killer/switcher thing in a
> later slide. Also on that, put the apps list so you can drag/drop from the
> global app pool to the application set for that screen. 

instead of spending your time writing this email you could tried PA out or 
even just watched some videos of PA. you would have discovered this is very 
much how it works. instead, this unfortunate email of yours is now 
immortalized in a searchable online email list archive. eep.

now, i don't want to discourage your enthusiasm, and i hope you appreciate the 
time i've taken to respond; however this kind of engagement is really not how 
we work with each other. :) we try and maintain an informed and thoughtful 
discourse with each other on this mailing list which is devoted to the design 
and development of PA. this results in higher quality from each individual 
participant as well as the entire project, and is one way we demonstrate our 
respect and appreciation for each other as professionals and enthusiasts.

> - Why are there multiple icon containers per screen?

try it and find out :)

> - How do you get to the icon containers if they are under a window?

via peek or tapping the home button.

> One of the things that I think are neesed for tablet input to work is a
> Swype style keyboard

unfortunately swype is proprietary, but the keyboard we use in PA3 allows us 
to hook into such things so there is hope for the future here.

Aaron J. Seigo
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