Okular active

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Fri May 18 20:10:13 UTC 2012

On Friday 18 May 2012 21:47:01 Marco Martin wrote:
> > - Unless the document is wider than the screen, it should not pan
> > horizontally, as this is very irritating while scrolling (you usually
> > don't
> > move your finger _exactly_ vertically while scrolling)
> but in that case the problem would be that is not possible to switch page by
> horizontal swipe..

These two are not mutually exclusive. See tabletReader as an example: It does 
not pan the page on horizontal movement, yet it still recognizes a swipe 
gesture to flip the page. So if the swipe is only very short, nothing happens. 
If it's long enough to trigger the swipe gesture, the page flips. Although it 
doesn't give feedback until it actually flips the page, I still immediately 
understood how to flip the page.
Btw, this is also how several other touch-UIs do it: Not move the the element 
until the actual swipe gesture is recognised. It also feels less "jumpy" than 
always moving imo.

> that's the idea that was behind it:
> apps should have a correct 3d-ish appearance, the blueish background be the
> "deeepest" background, while the paper-like one (and the various theme
> elements) should live "over" it.
> for applications that need a "control" area (either a sidebar or an almost
> entire screen as okular) one side of the screen should be draggable to
> uncover this control area, here we have 2 use cases:
> a) if the control area is ephemerous, chose an action and it closes again:
> case of okular and the side panels of the shell itself (recommendations,
> activities) it should look as a panel pulled over the app content, that
> never gets resized, and automatically closes
> b) if this area is something more long lived, something that will stay open
> until the user closes it because it can be useful after being used for the
> first ime, this is the case of the file browser.
> it looks like pulling the app content away and uncovering the control area,
> so has an higher z order (and the blueish background) and the app content
> area gets resized.
> that is the general idea, still has to be refined and put in a rigurous
> understandable form of course ;)

This is going to be quite hard to put in an understandable HIG, but I'll try 
my best :)

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