what version of Plasma Active is recommended for ExoPC?

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Thu Jul 19 16:39:46 UTC 2012

On Thursday 19 July 2012 07:01:00 Carl Symons wrote:
> Running on the ExoPC...
> 1. Mer
> For the longest time, the Mer dev version worked great. I must have
> skipped some upgrades or somehow got out of synch. Now the latest
> Mer-dev image + upgrades does weird stuff.
> Repeated screen locking...every 10 seconds or so. I interrupt the
> "locking in 5 seconds" slider and slide the unlock button up.
> Everything looks fine and pull down launcher works. Within seconds,
> there's a message that the screen is being locked and the "locking in
> 5 seconds" message appears again. It's not possible to actually do
> anything without this interruption.

Hi Carl,
I just installed 2012-07-17-11-09-basyskom-plasma-active-devel-mer-usb-
live.iso on my WeTab and did not experience this behavior. However I have 
experienced it before. Usually what helped was going to the Energy Saving 
Settings and unchecking and rechecking some options there plus going to the 
"Screen" module of the Settings app and turning some options there off and on 
again and rebooting afterwards.
Sorry for not being able to give you more specific help, but this way I usually 
got rid of the problem. Looks like we have some power management problems 
right now on PA...

There are several other problems with the current image, however (see my reply 
to Maurice's last mail), which can however all be worked around (removing 
connman and ofono, fiddling with gconf a bit).
I currently have well-behaving PA mer devel image on my WeTab again.

Hope this helps,

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