porting stuff to Nepomuk2

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 09:55:00 UTC 2012

Yo all,
I tried to port some stuff to Nepomuk2, namely kactivities and plasma-mobile

porting kactivities went smooth, and is now in the branch mart/nepomuk2 of the 
kactivities repository.
the only thing still to fix is that is exposing a Nepomuk::Resource in a 
method, so it will have to provide both that and a new one with a 

for plasma-mobile (mart/nepomuk2 branch on the plasma-mobile git repo) is a 
bit more tricky:
it needs nepomuk_add_ontology_classes that is still generating code with 
Nepomuk:: namespace.
this will be a problem for a lot of code to port i guess

I did a mart/rcgenNepomuk2 branch on the nepomuk-core repo.
this builds that copy of rcgen with the name nepomuk2-rcgen and generates code 
with Nepomuk2:: namespace (a bit of generated code is disabled because it was 
using old functions from ResourceManager that are removed and were very slow)

i tought at start to make the namespace command line dependent but the result 
vas an ugly bunch of spaghetti and the kdelibs copy would have to be modified 
(not good)

it also needs an updated cmake file NepomukAddOntologyClasses (attached), 
which adds the NEPOMUK2 option and in that case uses nepomuk2-rcgen. all 
should be retrocompatible,

Vishes: what's the best way to proceed now?

Marco Martin
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