Encryption stuff in need of solutions

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Wed Jan 25 10:52:04 UTC 2012

> It is necessary for the password since we can't really go and check
> whether the password is correct for every letter the user types.

I think having to explicitly submit the password is okay, I have not
encountered any auto-submitting password dialog anywhere yet.
I guess we can plausibly make an exception here.

> p.s. Clicking on the outside area is still in a sense a cancel button -
> not applied instantly

About cancel buttons I'm still undecided. What I am sure about, though, is
that we have to do it consistently. Either all of our dialogs 
have a "cancel" or "close" button or none of them.
I don't strongly favor either, we just have to decide.

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