Bugzilla sweep

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Thu Dec 6 23:28:05 UTC 2012

as you can probably infer from the mail avalanche I just launched from 
Bugzilla (luckily, it seems like I didn't make the server crash ;) ), I 
delivered on my promise to clean up our Bugzilla project.
I have retested everything I could retest, resolved what was fixed, moved some 
bugs to the projects they belonged to, posted comments on some others, set 
some to needsinfo.
I'd say our database of open bugs is now much cleaner and should be more 
One of the next steps would be to finally close bugs that can be confirmed to be 
fixed, but I'd like to do that when Master has reached a usable state again and 
I can effectively re-test stuff.

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