Changes to Activity Configuration UI

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at
Mon Apr 30 12:40:20 UTC 2012

On 30.04.2012 14:26, Marco Martin wrote:
> probably worse... maybe restore the "Activity name:" label with some tweaks to
> make it as wide as the switch, so would center the text field again

Would "Name" also work, perhaps? Or is it too short to counterbalance the 
switch? Aaron and Fania expressed a preference for the shorter label on the 
discussion thread as well.

>> Another point: Could you please change the dialog title and button label to
>> Title Case? Unless there is a good reason to break with conventions and
>> switch completely to Sentence case, I'd prefer using Title Case for all
>> titles and button labels. Lamarque's work on
>> is also affected by this
>> decision.
> ok, didn't pay attention to that.

Good, so no objection against using Title Case, I'm glad to hear that :)
So I'd say we decide to use Title Case for titles and buttons and adapt the 
labels in the Add items dialog as well, then. I'll file a bug for that.


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