Updating Project:KDE:Trunk project on build.pub.meego.com

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Fri Apr 27 10:15:24 UTC 2012

On Tuesday 24 April 2012 15:56:51 Lamarque V. Souza wrote:

>	You can change it back to XRender in /usr/share/kde4/config/kwinrc. Check 
>if ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc does not contain the line Backend=OpenGL, if it 
>does you can remove it from ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc and keep only the one 
>in /usr/share/kde4/config/kwinrc.

~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc does not contain a Backend line.

>> Of course I did ;) But it still does not work.

>	I think probably fuse.ko is not loaded. You can check that using

>lsmod | grep fuse

You're right, it wasn't loaded.

>If it is not loaded you can append the command below to /etc/rc.local:
>modprobe fuse 	and reboot.

I did that. It's loaded now, but switching to private still does nothing, 
trying to create a private Activity creates a normal one. :(
>	You are using the correct kdelibs. There must be something else wrong in 
>"Add Items" dialog.
Hm, don't know.
>> So we need to make this device-specific, then. Plus we need a better icon
>> if we really need the button on some devices. For the Wetab, at least, the
>> new lock screen works fine.

>	Once the changes to plasma-contour-config are in place we can do that.

>> It is loaded on demand. And it does work faster the second time. But even
>> then, it's still a lot less smooth than with PA2. It's not exactly bad,
>> just noticeably less good than before ;)

>	I am not sure what else could cause the delay. Maybe the new window_strip 
>and/or the OpenGL backend.

I guess for now we'll just have to live with the fact that's it's a little 
slower. I was used to it after using devel for a while. The difference only 
became really noticeable with the direct comparison to PA2.

The not working private activities are a problem that definitely needs to be 
fixed. If it can't the changes to the Stable repositories should be reverted 
imo. We cannot introduce a broken feature (as in "does not work at all") to a 
stable repository.


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