default config machinery

Marco Martin notmart at
Tue Apr 24 19:21:47 UTC 2012

Hi all,
update on this issue:

now the new default config is in devel, with the new skel based way , there is 
a default one (that would be mer) and a meego specific one, they are 
alternatives. for now the meego and mer ones are the same, will be 
differentiated when the meego kickstart changes.

the vivaldi specific plasma-contour-config package is here:

anything vivaldi related could be just put in that project, as the archosg9 
project etc (ideally delta should be kept as tiny as possible)

right now everything should still just work, needs a bit of testing then the 
change can be finished by enabling continuous integration on the various 
branches so having an automagic way to have always up to date default configs 
for every device

another thing i would like to know a bit more opinions about using /etc/skel 
for the default nepomuk db vs its own folder in /usr/share, in the end is a 
matter of preference on how the home initialization will be done.

Marco Martin

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