"Hide in System Tray" and Plasma Active

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Tue Apr 10 12:04:08 UTC 2012

Hi all,
I just noticed a little issue: I told Bangarang to "Hide in System Tray", and it 
was practically "gone", with no way to access it again.
I didn't know that, but it seems like only those icons appear in the area on the 
left of the top bar which we specifically want there, correct?
This may basically make sense in order to prevent cluttering that area, but we 
need a solution for applications that may rely on the systray.
I see two possible approaches here:

1. We use a normal systray, but we require applications to remove all 
unnecessary systray icons.
- Pro: Applications for which a systray icon really makes sense can still have one
- Cons:
  - It might be difficult to define what "unnecessary systray icon" means and 
enforcing the removal of all such icons may be difficult
  - "Legacy applications" may still have unnecessary icons in the systray

2. We only show specific icons, and we require applications to remove any "Hide 
in Tray" options via HIG.
- Pro: Easier solution for us, since if someone disregards the guideline, it's 
"their problem" and we don't have to care about it
- Cons:
  - If a systray icon really makes sense for a particular application, we have 
to either make an exception or they just can't have it
  - Legacy applications may still be completely hidden

What do you guys think?

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