remove or keep the activity view in the window list

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Thu Sep 22 21:16:29 UTC 2011

hi all...

now that the "panel puller" icon in the top right has been replaced with a 
"home screen" button which, when pressed, pulls up the activity view i'm left 
with a few questions:

* should we leave the activity view (currently labelled "home screen") in the 
window list? i lean towards "no", but maybe it is useful ... without it there, 
however, the strip becomes quite strictly about apps you, the user, have 

* if we remove it, then it should probably collapse down when no windows are 

with the contour icon in the upper right now, i really really like the clock 
in the middel more than ever. the right side is now a nice collection of 
"activity related" buttons -> share, like, connect and activity view. as such, 
i'd like to leave the clock in the middle.

the calendar popup from the clock is also now successfully removed, which 
makes it lighter on resources but more importantly means that it doesn't bring 
up the icon calendar awkwardly :)

Aaron J. Seigo
humru othro a kohnu se
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KDE core developer sponsored by Qt Development Frameworks
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