New recommendations introduction

Ivan Cukic ivan.cukic at
Tue Sep 20 08:37:27 UTC 2011

Hi all,

As you already know, there are a few different types of recommendations 

- mediapause - pausing the media in bangarang
- links - the hard-coded list of links - this should contain the 'getting 
started' and such which will only be shown as recommendations
if there is not enough high scored recommendations.
- used documents - this one is the new version of the old recommendations 
   - it shoes only real files
   - it shows only the documents that are not isRelated to the current 
activity (those that are, are shown in the boxes on the desktop). When the
user chooses 'open in current activity', the file is opened and linked to 
the current activity
   - it doesn't show the documents with low scores. In order to show a 
recommendation for something, it needs to be opened for a few times

The recommendations are automatically removed after the user chooses them. 
This could lead to reappearing recommendations if an engine is badly 
written. Currently, the links engine does return all it's recommendations
on reboot. I'm working on changing this behaviour.

Cheerio and hoping you have a better time in DS than I'm having here :)

Sanity is the trademark of a weak mind.
    -- Mark Harrold

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