about app

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 16:22:54 UTC 2011

On Friday 16 September 2011, Stephan Binner wrote:
> > in the conf call last thursday I was talking with Fania about a very
> > small application to include by default that would basically be a small
> > about
> A very simple kdialog "About Contour" displaying ISO build is btw already
> in the repo and latest [testing] image. Nothing as fancy as you suggest.
> :-)

btw, there is now an "active-about" app that loads 3 html files: a generic 
about (will inject things like kde and os version in the future) one for 
authors and one for the usual gpl text.

they are pretty empty, so if this is a good approach, we ca decide text for it 
at the workshot

Marco Martin

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