UI Design - add resource window more gesture oriented

Fania Bremmer fania.bremmer at basyskom.de
Wed Sep 14 09:37:01 UTC 2011

#4: still dreaming :) Multiselection could also be done with a two
fingers gesture: indicate start point with the press of the first
finger, stay there and move the second finger over the surface withouth
loosing contact to select all items laying in between. This would be a
nice feature if I want to select a big amount of data, lets say all my
last vacation pics...

> that was by the way the exact problem i banged my head around today in making
> this experiment
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fvqip960aKg
> is pretty visible that doesn't work as good as it should be, since the only
> multitouch thing is going to be exposed in Qt 4.8 is a pinch gesture that
> doesn't let to know where the two individual points are (i think they want to
> keep raw touch events hidden, we can write some ourselves tough) there could
> be enough use cases for it: both in that video, resizing boxes with fingers,
> or drawing a rubberband requires having the coordinates of all touch events.

Cool stuff, looks promising :)

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