RFC: remove bookmarks in the "add resources" window

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at autistici.org
Fri Oct 28 13:00:41 UTC 2011

> On Friday, October 28, 2011 10:34:43 Fania Bremmer wrote:
> > I would like to introduce the UI pattern: change things by touching
> > and bang its stored -> if you did something wrong just redo your
> > and youre fine. No cancel buttons, no save buttons, just easy
> > interaction flows.
> i really like this. it will require us to pay more attention to certain
> workflows (like removals :) but it feels very.. "right" in the sense
that it's
> simple, organic and can be kept consistent without adding more and more
> chrome.

I generally agree with that. Dialogs and stuff are not very modern. We
should not violate the usability principle of error tolerance, though. 
But that does not mean we need to ask for confirmation for everything.
The better way to be error tolerant is to be able to reverse any mistake
easily. I don't want to be asked "Do you really want to?" whenever I do
something with possibly irreversible consequences. But when I do make
a mistake, I want to be able to get the previous state back as easily as I
the mistake.

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