RFC: changes to the About application

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 12:13:17 UTC 2011

On Wednesday 26 October 2011, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> ** Proposed Change **
> Add links to plasma-active.org to "About" page, include the intro video if
> it still exists on disk, replace the technical "cross-device user
> experience" with something more meaningful to the user, open links in a
> Browser window, move the mention of Contour and Basyskom to the Authors
> tab.

yep all makes sense..
maybe some very basic help text in it as well? (even if is just wiki links) 
(so gives a bit of actual value)

> I also think putting one specific authors / contributors link on the About
> page sets up a very unfortunate community dynamic that makes trying to get
> other companies interested more difficult and which does not demonstrate
> proper respect for those who also contributed significantly to the concepts
> and code in prior times.

uhm, is pretty common in all standard about dialogs of kde apps.. if consensus 
of the people mentioned there is reached i think we can well kill this page..

> the unhumble, does-not-improve-the-user's-experience nature of this
> application deserves fixing.
> ** Implementation Details **
> - needs to check if the welcome video is still there; if not don't include
> it - links clicked on should not be shown in-line as there is no
> navigation provided so you can't "get back" to where you were (either that
> or else keep the about/authors/license bar always there so the user may go
> back to those entries)
> - licensing tab should have the LGPL 2.1 also added to it as well as the
> BSD license which is used in some of our code


Marco Martin

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