let's begin with two

Marco Martin notmart at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 15:56:08 UTC 2011

Hi all,

so far active one seems quite a success and that's great :)

so, to not lose time and think forward what we want to do next, let's plan a 
bit for two:

* first of all finally, recommendations, yay ;)

other than that, things revolve around a concept:
the idea was to have a release in december, and that's mean it's going to be a 
relatively minor update and that's good since at this pointwhat's needed is 
mostly ironing out the user experience.
a target, was to provide use cases for an user "workflow" starting from a 
simple case (one idea was image management) that will be the basis of an 
uniform document browsing component

to achieve that, to me the priorities are 2 not really visible foundations:

* qtcomponents: using the old qgraphicswidgets (use of which i limited as much 
as possible) gave several problems in the ui since there still are the old 
layouting problems of qgraphicswidgets, they don't support anchors and all 
have mouse over events.
having standard-ish components will speed up things a lot, i hope that with 
the meeting of tomorrow we can have a clear path forward (i would like to see 
a ban on import org.kde.plasma.graphicswidgets in pa2 ;)

* nepomuk: besides the startup issues noted earlier today (that are a bit 
upstream to us) the way queries are encapsulated will probably need to change: 
the metadata dataengine was fairly convenient to use for simple things, but we 
can't do more complex queries without adding special cases in the dataengine 
c++ and most important is very inefficient, a more heavy duty (and lazy 
popuplating) model is needed for having good performance (and less memory 
waste). That's the prerequisite for a slightly smarter document explorer.
 a separate thread will be start for this ;)

besides that, to support the idea of the image organizing workflow an ui would 
be needed for that. initially should be a simple ui that i (hope) could be 
shared between the add resource interface and the images application, 
basically an ui that lets do filters on resources by type, tag, date, rating 
(and keep it very simple in the beginning;)

other minor stuff that still are needed (kinda missing from pa1) is a 
beginning of configuration interfaces in qml, with basically a porting of the 
logic of the clock/timezone kcm to a bunch of qobjects that can be used from 

other ideas? (well, remembering that december is 2 months away :p)

Marco Martin

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