About Calligra Active and what it should intend to be

Vít Pelčák vit at pelcak.org
Mon Oct 3 14:24:21 UTC 2011

2011/10/3 Shantanu Tushar Jha <jhahoneyk at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> (Cross posting as the topic might be of interest to both MLs)
> There was recently some discussion on the Active ML about Calligra Active
> and how to make the user experience better.
> Aaron Seigo had an interesting suggestion in the mail he sent [1] which
> says-
> "
> but imho the most important thing is for these
> projects to focus on being amazing document _viewers_.
> "

I thought, Okular is for that. Why should I have Calligra installed?
What is advantage? To have bazilion of viewers each being able to open
only specific document?

> I gave it a thought and realised that we need to discuss this. The reason I
> can think of is that a larger percentage of the use cases are for viewing
> the documents instead of editing them.

Hm. And if user has associated LibreOffice already (very likely scenario)?

> I'd like views from the Calligra team about this, should we continue what
> we're doing now (that is, try to improve the viewing to the most we can and
> then go to editing), or concentrate only on viewing?

Sorry, but I'm missing point here.

What should make me switch from LibreOffice to Calligra? Focus of
Calligra on viewing documents and lack of editing tools?

I thought, that the major advantage of Calligra/Koffice lies in fact,
that, unlike LibreOffice, it doesn't carry burden of legacy code.

What type of user is your target? Mainstream will have LibreOffice
already installed. What is advantage? Faster startup time when startup
of application means only insignificant portion of whole time spent in

Decision is still yours, but personally, I don't consider focus on
viewing as good idea at all.

Vit Pelcak

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